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2. Payment details
Self-Development Program (Yearly USD 90) Membership Self-Development Program (Yearly USD 90)

By joining this program, you’ll receive access to over 100 never-seen-before courses on topics ranging from productivity and education to mental health and spirituality. All of our courses are based on a ‘How To’ theme, so we’ve tried to make them as practical as possible. 

Your subscription to Self-Development Program includes the below:

✓ Access to 100+ courses and every new course added in the future

✓ PDF book for each course

✓ Multiple choice quiz at the end of each course

✓ New courses added every week

✓ Holistic approach to self-development based on The Quran & Sunnah

*We do not offer any refunds. You can cancel your subscription anytime.

Total (including taxes)
USD $90.00
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